Current Market Reports

Tank Barge Market Report - April 2020

Marcon has 21 inland and 24 ocean or coastal tank barges available for sale out of 668 tracked as of April 2020, fewer than were available one year ago. The first quarter and to date second quarter 2020 have been a time of hope and despair for most of the tank barge market. Inland and coastal / ocean markets were impacted differently due to COVID-19, weather issues and impacts of the rapidly collapsing oil prices.

Supply Boat Market Report - December 2019

As of December, Marcon reports 274 supply and tug supply boats officially on the market for sale out of 3,097 tracked. Little has changed in the OSV market since our June 2019 report. The few sales seen have been at deeply discounted prices. Asking prices are still high for vessel conditions and ages. For older or rougher condition vessels, selling prices are near or at scrap levels. On the plus side, we have heard of vessels going back to work, positively impacting utilization and day rates. But these improvements are still not enough to help owners break-even.

Crew Boat Market Report - September 2019

Marcon reports 225 crew, fast supply and pilot boats officially on the market for sale out of 1,152 tracked worldwide. Marcon sold a 16.7m 2009-built crew boat between South American parties recently. Unfortunately, nothing has really changed in the market since our March 2019 report. The market is as bad or worse than it has been since 2015 and there is no improvement in sight. As brokers we are aware of some other sales, but these are far and few between and at greatly reduced prices.

Tug Boat Market Report - August 2018

Marcon reports 523 tugs officially on the market for sale out of 5,057 tracked. This is down 11.8% from one year ago, mostly due to scrapping of older, lower horsepower tugs. There is still demand for good, higher horsepower, modern tugs, especially ASDs. As of end August, Marcon has sold 12 tugs so far in 2018 with an average price per BHP of $64.84 and average age of 39 years, reflecting owners selling off under-utilized or laid up vessels at bargain prices.

Supply & Tug Supply Boat Market Report - Aug. 2017

Marcon was tracking 3,251 supply and tug supply boats, with 301 officially on the market for sale.